Welcome to 2019

Dear members and friends of the DEF,

I, Jochen Klaus, chairman of the DEF, would like to welcome you to the new year, wishing you a happy, healthy and peaceful year.

In many ways 2019 will bring to us outstanding events.

The policital landscape between the european continent and the British Isle will change in the one or other direction –economical, cultural and social ties will be challenged – Europe and hence also the world community is going to experience new contours and networking.

Let’s hope, that this will happen without bigger reciprocal damages, umbrages and personal losses!

But then we are going to have in 2019 two great events:

Karlsruhe and Nottingham are celebrating their 50th twinning.

The DEF is celebrating its 40th anniversary.

We would already like to point out to our celebrations from 23rd to 26th July in Karlsruhe and from 3rd to 6th October in Nottingham. The programm is not ready, yet, but we will inform you on our webpage in due course.

All the best to all of you

Joachim Klaus

Chairman of DEF Karlsruhe